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Bendigo groundwater management

The purpose of the Bendigo groundwater project is to develop long-term sustainable water management approaches to mining-impacted groundwater in mine voids beneath central Bendigo, including managing discharge from mine shafts into Bendigo’s waterways

The Bendigo Groundwater project is being delivered in 3 phases:

  • Phase 1 - an immediate solution. Implemented immediately, operated until 31 September 2017 and now complete.
  • Phase 2 - an interim solution. Operational by 31 September 2017 and to be in place until the commencement of a long-term solution.
  • Phase 3 - a long-term solution. Operational for a 10 to 30 year timeframe.

Read more detailed information about the management of Bendigo groundwater.

Environmental contribution 5 (EC5)

Bendigo groundwater management
  • 2020–21 expenditure: $500
  • 2021–22 expenditure: $3,000
  • 2022–23 expenditure: N/A
  • 2023–24 expenditure: N/A
Delivering a sustainable solution for Bendigo’s Central Deborah Historic mine workings and Bendigo Creek
  • 2020–21 expenditure: N/A
  • 2021–22 expenditure: $3,165
  • 2022–23 expenditure: $5,367
  • 2023–24 expenditure: N/A

Summary of progress to date

Activities – 2022-23 summary

Pumping and management of mine impacted water continued throughout 2022-23. Pumping infrastructure was relocated from 240m below surface to 130m below surface, resulting in long-term benefits to groundwater quality through flooding of historic workings, and reducing costs and wastes produced through treatment of reduced volumes of water. Ongoing sampling and monitoring continued to be undertaken to inform interim and long-term management.

Changes to water level are part of the Long Term Solution for managing mine-water which was funded in the May 2022 state budget. In 2022-23 work progressed on developing the long-term solution from concept design to preliminary design, through site investigations, ecological studies, geotechnical studies, Cultural Heritage and European Heritage management plans and the design and specification of infrastructure. Stakeholder and community engagement were also undertaken.

Activities – 2023-24 summary

EC funding was not provided for the project in 2023-24. Implementation of the long-term solution continued through project specific funding provided in the May 2022 state budget.

Long-term solution business case development

The State and Local Government Advisory Group, consisting of the following:

  • City of Greater Bendigo
  • North Central CMA
  • Goulburn Murray Water
  • Coliban Water
  • Bendigo Heritage Attractions
  • DEECA Loddon Mallee region
  • Earth Resources Regulation (DEECA)
  • Regional Development Victoria (DJSIR) and
  • EPA (observer)

were all heavily engaged in the business case development, which was funded in May 2022. The Advisory Group continued to meet and be engaged in delivery of the long-term solution in 2022-23.

Page last updated: 18/10/24