- Households
- Agriculture and industry
- Emergency water supply points
- Goulburn Murray Water Transformation achievements
- Irrigation
- Licences for dams, bores and waterway access
- Non-urban water metering
- Taking and using water
- Water delivery share review in northern Victoria
- Non-urban water compliance and enforcement
- Water compliance reports
- Water Compliance Report 2021-22
- Water Compliance Report 2020-21
- Water Compliance Report 2019-20
- Water Compliance Report 2018-19
- Water Compliance Report 2022-23
- Water Compliance Report 2023-24
- Number-of-potential-breaches-and-investigations-state-wide-between-2019-20-to-2023-24.jpg
- Summary-of-detected-potential-breaches-by-offence.csv
- Summary-of-enforcement-actions-taken-between-1-July-2019-to-20-June-2024-v1.csv
- Verbal-Warnings.csv
- Advisory-letters.csv
- Compliance-actions.jpg
- Warning-letters.csv
- Notices.csv
- Authority-may-reduce,-restrict-or-discontinue-water-supply.csv
- Number-of-PINs-issued.csv
- PINs-and-vol-detected-unauthorised-take-v2.csv
- Prosecutions.csv
- Prosecutions-carried-forward.csv
- Prosecution-summary.csv
- Victorias_six_rural_water_corporations.png
- Water compliance reports
- Water markets and trade
- Catchments
- Waterways
- Blue-green algae
- Estuaries
- Flagship waterways
- Invasive species in waterways
- Authorising works and activities on waterways
- Managing vegetation in and around waterways
- Monitoring waterways
- My Victorian Waterway Survey
- Protecting the Yarra Birrarung
- Regional waterway management
- Riparian land
- Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk Action Plan
- Technical guidelines for waterway management
- Types of waterways
- Victorian Waterway Management Program
- Water for the environment
- Waterways of the West Action Plan
- Wetlands
- Programs
- Aboriginal Water Program
- Climate change and Victoria's water sector
- Community Rebate Program
- Drought and dry conditions
- Eastern Victorian bushfire rebuilding rebates program
- Floodplain management
- Green Links
- Integrated Water Management
- Intelligent water networks
- Long-term water resource assessments and strategies
- Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy
- Sustainable water strategies
- Urban water strategies
- Managing onsite wastewater systems
- Murray-Darling Basin
- Basin water quality and salinity management
- Commonwealth Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program
- Compliance
- Environmental benefits
- Long-term diversion limit equivalent factors
- Murray-Darling Basin overview
- Planning our Basin future together
- Prospectus-planning-our-basin-future-together.pdf
- planning-our-basin-future-together-accessible.docx
- planning-our-basin-future-together-closing-loop-report.pdf
- planning-our-basin-future-closing-the-loop-report-accessible.docx
- planning-our-basin-future-together-next-steps.pdf
- planning-our-basin-future-together-next-steps-accessible.docx
- Projects
- Social and economic impacts of the Basin Plan in Victoria
- Sustainable diversion limit and adjustment mechanism
- Sustainable diversion limits
- The Living Murray
- Victoria's progress
- Victorian Constraints Measures Program
- Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project
- Water resource plans
- What is the Murray-Darling Basin Plan?
- Our framework for protecting water quality
- Recreational values of Victoria's water
- Regional irrigated land and water use mapping program
- Schools Water Efficiency Program
- Sustainable Irrigation Program
- Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy
- Victorian Water Register
- Water monitoring and reporting
- Annual water outlook
- Current water snapshot
- Surface water modelling
- Case study: How much water should we be taking from our rivers
- Case study: How models help us plan for climate change
- Case study: Source model used in Thomson environmental flows study
- Case study: Hydrological modelling community
- Spatial tool for estimating dam impacts STEDI
- Resource allocation model
- Source next generation hydrological modelling
- Surface water monitoring
- Third index of stream condition report
- Water quality trends
- Victoria's water grid
- WaterSmart
- Water sources
- About us
- Environmental contributions
- Fifth tranche of the environmental contribution
- Bendigo groundwater management
- Building a sustainable water sector
- Building flood resilience in Victoria
- Enhancing urban water security, iconic urban waterways and recreational values of water
- Funding and programs for Traditional Owner priorities
- Improving the health of Victoria's waterways and catchments
- Macalister Irrigation District Modernisation Project - Phase 2
- Making Victorians water wise
- Strong foundations for Victoria's water
- Sustaining a resilient and secure Water Register for Victoria
- The evidence base for Victorian water
- Water Wise rural communities
- Fifth tranche of the environmental contribution
- Grants
- How we work with water corporations
- Insight: Executive leadership for women in water
- News
- Safety and emergencies
- Water education
- Water for Victoria
- Water entitlements and the Water Act
- What we do
- Environmental contributions
Page last updated: 08/09/23