On this page:
Water corporations will support the well-being of rural and regional communities by considering recreational values in water management.
They will plan for and provide water services that explicitly consider recreational values, focusing on 4 key areas:
- community engagement to understand recreational objectives relating to water and waterways
- planning and management to consider recreational values objectives
- working with other organisations and government agencies on opportunities that support recreational objectives
- make accessible, user-friendly information available to help recreational users plan their activities.
We’ll update this page to let you know how your water corporation performs against these 4 areas. We’ll also include progress on the development of land and recreation management plans for water storages of high recreational value and related news.
By communicating clear performance information from across the industry, the government can ensure that the Victorian water sector is providing the best possible service to the community. Find out more about the recreational values program.

Page last updated: 10/10/23