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Find your water corporation
Community Rebate Program
Help paying your bills
Target 150: saving water in our cities
Target your water use in regional areas
Water restrictions and rules
Water restrictions and rules
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Water restrictions and rules
Permanent water saving rules
Stage 1: water restrictions
Stage 2: water restrictions
Stage 3: water restrictions
Stage 4: water restrictions
Ways to save water
Ways to save water
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Ways to save water
Top tips to help you be water wise at home
Agriculture and industry
Agriculture and industry
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Agriculture and industry
Emergency water supply points
Goulburn Murray Water Transformation achievements
Goulburn Murray Water Transformation achievements
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Agriculture and industry
Goulburn Murray Water Transformation achievements
Minister’s foreword
GMW transformation process
Improving financial sustainability
Transforming GMW’s business
Improving asset management
Improving customer and stakeholder engagement
Improving how GMW delivers
Summary of Strategic Advisory Panel recommendation implementation
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Agriculture and industry
Investment in irrigation efficiency
Investment in irrigation efficiency
Close Investment in irrigation efficiency
Investment in irrigation efficiency
Goulburn-Murray Water - Water Efficiency Project
Independent Audit of Water Recovery - GMW Water Efficiency Project
Independent Audit of Water Recovery - GMW Connections Project
Independent Audit of Water Recovery - LMW Sunraysia Water Efficiency Project
Irrigators share distribution
Regional irrigated land and water use mapping program
Solar energy facilities in irrigation districts
Sustainable Irrigation Program
Water savings protocol
Broken Reconfiguration Feasibility Study
Licences for dams, bores and waterway access
Licences for dams, bores and waterway access
Close Licences for dams, bores and waterway access
Agriculture and industry
Licences for dams, bores and waterway access
Apply for a private dam licence
Apply for a domestic and stock groundwater bore licence
Apply for a domestic and stock waterway diversion licence
Non-urban water metering
Non-urban water metering
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Agriculture and industry
Non-urban water metering
Non-urban water metering reports
Taking and using water
Taking and using water
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Agriculture and industry
Taking and using water
Water delivery share review for northern Victoria
Non-urban water compliance and enforcement
Non-urban water compliance and enforcement
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Taking and using water
Non-urban water compliance and enforcement
Water compliance reports
Water compliance reports
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Non-urban water compliance and enforcement
Water compliance reports
Water Compliance Report 2021-22
Water Compliance Report 2020-21
Water Compliance Report 2019-20
Water Compliance Report 2018-19
Water Compliance Report 2022-23
Water Compliance Report 2023-24
Water markets and trade
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Catchment governance
Catchment management framework
Our Catchments, Our Communities
Our Catchments, Our Communities
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Our Catchments, Our Communities
Improving catchments through on-ground works
OCOC Leadership development grant recipients
Local communities making a difference to catchment health in Victoria
Partnerships - Local, Regional and State
Traditional owners and Aboriginal communities
Partners in catchment management
Regional catchment strategies
Reporting on the condition and management of Victoria's catchments
Special water supply catchment areas
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Blue-green algae
Blue-green algae
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Blue-green algae
Gippsland Lakes BGA Update 10 February 2025
Flagship waterways
Flagship waterways
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Flagship waterways
Budj Bim Connections
Caring for the Campaspe River
Cann River
Kings Billabong
Merbein Common
Mid Thomson River
Mitchell River
Rivers of Warrnambool
Strathbogie Streams
The Living Moorabool
Upper Ovens River
Upper Wimmera River
Invasive species in waterways
Authorising works and activities on waterways
Managing vegetation in and around waterways
Managing vegetation in and around waterways
Close Managing vegetation in and around waterways
Managing vegetation in and around waterways
Managing willows
Monitoring waterways
My Victorian Waterway Survey
Protecting the Yarra Birrarung
Protecting the Yarra Birrarung
Close Protecting the Yarra Birrarung
Protecting the Yarra Birrarung
Burndap Birrarung burndap umarkoo, Yarra Strategic Plan
Yarra River 50-year community vision
Yarra River Action Plan
Yarra River Protection / Wilip-gin Birrarung murron Act 2017
Regional waterway management
Riparian land
Riparian land
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Riparian land
Benefits of riparian land to landholders
Floods and fires on riparian land
Livestock management on riparian land
Monitoring and evaluation of riparian land
Regional Riparian Action Plan
Rivers and Riparian Action Plan
Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk Action Plan
Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk Action Plan
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Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk Action Plan
Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk annual reporting
Rivers of the Barwon / Barre Warre Yulluk Action Plan implementation
Technical guidelines for waterway management
Types of waterways
Victorian Waterway Management Program
Victorian Waterway Management Program
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Victorian Waterway Management Program
Victorian Waterway Management Strategy
Victorian Waterway Management Strategy
Close Victorian Waterway Management Strategy
Victorian Waterway Management Program
Victorian Waterway Management Strategy
Evaluation and reporting
Water for the environment
Water for the environment
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Water for the environment
What is water for the environment?
Where we get water for the environment
Where we get water for the environment
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Water for the environment
Where we get water for the environment
Water recovery for the environment
How we manage water for the environment
How we manage water for the environment
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Water for the environment
How we manage water for the environment
Environmental water management plans
Responding to climate change challenges
Waterways of the West Action Plan
Waterways of the West Action Plan
Close Waterways of the West Action Plan
Waterways of the West Action Plan
Waterways of the West annual reporting
Waterways of the West CALD Toolkit for Practitioners
Waterways of the West community vision
Waterways of the West action plan implementation
Close Wetlands
Managing wetlands
Significant wetlands
Migratory shorebirds
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Aboriginal Water Program
Aboriginal Water Program
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Aboriginal Water Program
First People of the Millewa Mallee
Water is Life Roadmap
Water is Life Roadmap
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Aboriginal Water Program
Water is Life Roadmap
What Water is Life means for you
Water, Country and Community Program
Aboriginal Water Program (2016-2020)
Aboriginal Water Officer Network
Barengi Gadjin
Gunditjmirring and Barengi Gadjin towards cultural flows
Climate change and Victoria's water sector
Climate change and Victoria's water sector
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Climate change and Victoria's water sector
Adapting to climate change impacts
Climate change resources for water practitioners
Climate change resources for water practitioners
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Climate change and Victoria's water sector
Climate change resources for water practitioners
Water availability climate change guidelines
Wastewater system climate change guidelines
Hydrology and climate science research
Hydrology and climate science research
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Climate change and Victoria's water sector
Hydrology and climate science research
Victorian Water and Climate Initiative
VicWaCI Webinars
VicWaCI findings
Greenhouse gas emissions from the water sector
Greenhouse gas emissions from the water sector
Close Greenhouse gas emissions from the water sector
Climate change and Victoria's water sector
Greenhouse gas emissions from the water sector
A net-zero emissions water sector by 2035
Projects reducing water sector emissions
Community Rebate Program
Drought and dry conditions
Eastern Victorian bushfire rebuilding rebates program
Eastern Victorian bushfire rebuilding rebates program
Close Eastern Victorian bushfire rebuilding rebates program
Eastern Victorian bushfire rebuilding rebates program
Planning and building assistance rebate scheme
Rainwater and septic tank replacement program
Floodplain management
Floodplain management
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Floodplain management
Coastal flooding
Flood emergencies
Flood emergencies
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Floodplain management
Flood emergencies
2022 Victorian flood event: Water and Catchments review
Flood insurance
Lake Eildon operating arrangements assessment
Lake Eppalock operating arrangements assessment
Land use planning
Levee management
Long-term preparation for flooding
Regional floodplain management strategies
Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy
Green Links
Integrated Water Management
Integrated Water Management
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Integrated Water Management
IWM Forums
IWM technical guidelines
Intelligent water networks
Long-term water resource assessments and strategies
Long-term water resource assessments and strategies
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Long-term water resource assessments and strategies
Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy
Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy
Close Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy
Long-term water resource assessments and strategies
Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy
Latrobe Valley Regional Water Study
Water in the Latrobe region
Sustainable water strategies
Sustainable water strategies
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Long-term water resource assessments and strategies
Sustainable water strategies
Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy 2022
Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy 2022
Close Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy 2022
Sustainable water strategies
Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy 2022
Strategy essentials
Cities and towns
Partnering with Traditional Owners
Water for agriculture
Water for environmental outcomes
Barwon, Moorabool and Otways sub-region
Gippsland sub-region
Central sub-region
Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Close Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Sustainable water strategies
Northern Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Sharing water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin
Secure rights to water
Certainty and flexibility for entitlement holders
Modern, efficient and sustainable irrigation
High-value rivers, wetlands and floodplains
Safe and reliable drinking water
Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Close Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Sustainable water strategies
Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy
Promoting sustainable water management
Making the best use of the region's groundwater resources
Managing adverse water resource impacts from land use change
The Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline and the Wimmera-Glenelg system
The Otways
The South-West Coast
The Western District
The North-West
Previous Sustainable Water Strategies
Previous Sustainable Water Strategies
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Sustainable water strategies
Previous Sustainable Water Strategies
Central Region Sustainable Water Strategy 2006
Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy 2011
Urban water strategies
Managing onsite wastewater systems
Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin
Close Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin
Basin water quality and salinity management
Commonwealth Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program
Environmental benefits
Long-term diversion limit equivalent factors
Murray-Darling Basin overview
Planning our Basin future together
Social and economic impacts of the Basin Plan in Victoria
Sustainable diversion limit and adjustment mechanism
Sustainable diversion limits
The Living Murray
Victoria's progress
Victoria's progress
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Murray-Darling Basin
Victoria's progress
Victorian Constraints Measures Program
Victorian Constraints Measures Program
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Murray-Darling Basin
Victorian Constraints Measures Program
Victorian Constraints Measures Program common questions
Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project
Water resource plans
What is the Murray-Darling Basin Plan?
Our framework for protecting water quality
Recreational values of Victoria's water
Recreational values of Victoria's water
Close Recreational values of Victoria's water
Recreational values of Victoria's water
Recreational area regulations
Houseboating on Lake Eildon
Houseboating on Lake Eildon
Close Houseboating on Lake Eildon
Recreational values of Victoria's water
Houseboating on Lake Eildon
Greywater and houseboats
Food waste and houseboat greywater
Regional irrigated land and water use mapping program
Schools Water Efficiency Program
Sustainable Irrigation Program
Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy
Victorian Water Register
Water monitoring and reporting
Water monitoring and reporting
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Water monitoring and reporting
Annual water outlook
Current water snapshot
Surface water modelling
Surface water modelling
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Water monitoring and reporting
Surface water modelling
Case study: How much water should we be taking from our rivers
Case study: How models help us plan for climate change
Case study: Source model used in Thomson environmental flows study
Case study: Hydrological modelling community
Spatial tool for estimating dam impacts STEDI
Resource allocation model
Source next generation hydrological modelling
Surface water monitoring
Third index of stream condition report
Water quality trends
Victoria's water grid
Water sources
Water sources
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Water sources
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Water sources
Victorian desalination project background
Before you dig
Key documents and resources
Desalination plant
Environmental effects and management
Desalination history
Pipelines and power supply
Producing high-quality water
Desalination timeline
Diverse water sources
Diverse water sources
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Water sources
Diverse water sources
Using recycled water safely
How to get the most out of your rain water tank
Stormwater management for urban development
Improving stormwater management
Close Groundwater
Water sources
Accessing groundwater
Groundwater management 2030
Groundwater resource reports
Managing groundwater
Managing groundwater from Bendigo mines
PCV Orders made by the Minister for Water
PCV Orders made by the Minister for Water
Close PCV Orders made by the Minister for Water
PCV Orders made by the Minister for Water
Historical PCV Orders made by the Minister for Water
Victoria's groundwater resources
Victoria's dams
Victoria's dams
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Water sources
Victoria's dams
Victorian Dam Safety Improvement Program
Dam safety management
Dam safety regulation
Dam safety guidance
About us
About us
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About us
Environmental contributions
Environmental contributions
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About us
Environmental contributions
Fifth tranche of the environmental contribution
Fifth tranche of the environmental contribution
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Environmental contributions
Fifth tranche of the environmental contribution
Bendigo groundwater management
Building a sustainable water sector
Building flood resilience in Victoria
Enhancing urban water security, iconic urban waterways and recreational values of water
Funding and programs for Traditional Owner priorities
Improving the health of Victoria's waterways and catchments
Macalister Irrigation District Modernisation Project - Phase 2
Making Victorians water wise
Strong foundations for Victoria's water
Sustaining a resilient and secure Water Register for Victoria
The evidence base for Victorian water
Water Wise rural communities
How we work with water corporations
How we work with water corporations
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About us
How we work with water corporations
Water corporation performance
Water corporation performance
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How we work with water corporations
Water corporation performance
Water corporations' adaptation to climate change
Customer and community outcomes
Financial sustainability
Leadership diversity and culture
Letter of expectations
Recognising Aboriginal values
Resilient liveable communities
Recognising recreational values
Governance and planning
Governance and planning
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How we work with water corporations
Governance and planning
Water corporation board appointments
Insight: Executive leadership for women in water
Safety and emergencies
Safety and emergencies
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About us
Safety and emergencies
Preparing your water tank before and after bushfires
Water emergency management
Water education
Water for Victoria
Water entitlements and the Water Act
Water entitlements and the Water Act
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About us
Water entitlements and the Water Act
Bulk entitlements
Environmental entitlements
Environmental entitlements
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Water entitlements and the Water Act
Environmental entitlements
Amendment to Tarago and Bunyip Rivers environmental entitlement
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