The Annual Water Outlook has now been released which provides the latest information on the conditions of each water supply system across the state and a 12 month water forecast.
While most of Victoria’s major water storages are in good condition averaging 80.1% capacity, levels are down 13.6% compared to this time last year with statewide winter rainfall the lowest recorded since 2006. These declines are an important reminder that we can't take water security for granted.
South-West Victoria has experienced extremely dry conditions over the past 12 to 18 months. Total storage levels across regional Victoria’s major water storages are at 78.7% capacity, down 14.8% compared to this time last year. Melbourne’s storages are healthy at 88.4%, 6.7% lower than this time last year.
The decline in storage shows that demand in Melbourne exceeds supply, despite inflows into Melbourne’s four major storages being 5% above the 30-year average. Although supplies are secure in the short-term, the annual outlook shows just how fast they can drop during hot and dry periods and is a reminder that using water wisely now reduces the chances of needing water restrictions in the future.
The landmark Western Port Recycled Water Scheme will within 5 years provide 4,000 megalitres of recycled water to one of Australia’s fastest growing areas and most productive vegetable growing regions in Cardina Shire reducing demand on drinking water supplies.
Since 2016, the Victorian Desalination Plant has delivered 455 billion litres of desalinated water – the equivalent of more than double the Upper Yarra Reservoir or 25% of our total storage capacity. The Desalination Plant is part of the state’s long-term water strategy to ensure Victorians, businesses, and farmers can continue to have access to a secure water supply.
For more information, visit Annual water outlook.
Page last updated: 08/01/25