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Across Victoria, 19 new on-ground projects, funded by Our Catchments, Our Communities, are well underway and making a difference by protecting and improving the environment.
To date these integrated catchment management projects, co-ordinated by Catchment Management Authorities, have achieved:
- planting 553 hectares of native vegetation for water quality, climate change and biodiversity outcomes
- controlling weeds on 4,485 hectares of land
- controlling pest animals on 36,427 hectares of land
- improving management practices on 1,905 hectares of agricultural land to benefit catchment health
- entering into formal agreements with 74 landowners for improved property management
- conducting 252 ecological, cultural and soil assessments.
What is integrated catchment management?
Integrated catchment management is the coordinated management of land, water and biodiversity resources. It also includes flexibility to respond to local needs.
Our projects include a diverse range of works with several groups and landholders working together across public and private land.
Examples of activities within the projects include:
- working on Country with Traditional Owners
- restoring significant wetlands
- helping endangered native birds
- providing land management incentives to landholders
- linking native vegetation on public and private land
- improving river health by removing weeds
- citizen science monitoring of trees, frogs and bores
- sustainable dairy management
- upgrading walking tracks and improving recreational access
- promoting community involvement and education.
Examples of activities with the projects
Wetlands of the Greater Grampians

“The Panyyabyr Landcare Group greatly thank the Glenelg Hopkins CMA and, in particular, the Our Catchment, Our Communities program and steering committee, for their support, encouragement and belief in the continuation of our long-running fox control program.
This program (the Grampians Ark Fox Control Program) supports all the other Landcare work we have achieved.”
Enhancing the health, environment and liveability of the Wimmera River

“This is a great fishing spot (Big Water). It will improve the area and encourage people to come out here and fish and picnic as well.”
Page last updated: 08/09/23