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Water corporations that manage water resources in non-urban areas play a key role in securing the rights of all water users and safeguarding the State’s water resources.
In these reports, water corporations refers to:
- Goulburn-Murray Water
- Lower Murray Water
- Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water
- Coliban Water
- Melbourne Water
- Southern Rural Water.
Victoria’s six rural water corporations

Non-urban water compliance and enforcement in Victoria
Victoria has a zero-tolerance approach to unauthorised take, ensuring a level playing field for all water users.
Victoria is committed to maintaining its strong compliance record to maintain the integrity of the entitlements market and protect the environment.
Water corporations have greater capacity for more compliance and enforcement activities than in past years due to continued investments in metering and system monitoring technology, coupled with systems to better target risk.
Enforcement actions
Water corporations have a range of enforcement options to pursue. Advisory letters and verbal warnings are usually the first enforcement action taken in response to a breach. Followed by a formal warning letter, notice of contravention, reduce, restrict or discontinue water supply, or prosecution.
From 1 July 2020, water corporations are able to issue water infringement notices for less serious offences.
Water corporations may take more than one enforcement action if the water user does not rectify the breach after one enforcement action.
Non-urban water compliance and enforcement actions
Water corporations that manage water resources in non-urban areas play a key role in securing the rights of all water users as well as safeguarding the State’s water resources.
Most water users are responsible and abide by the conditions of their licences. However, each year, some users break the law.
Common offences of the Water Act 1989 in rural areas are:
- Unauthorised take of water (sections 33E, 63 and section 289).
- Unauthorised works (section 75).
- Wrongful take of water (section 289).
- Structure over works (section 148).
- Interference with a water corporation’s property (section 288).
- Obstructing water corporation officers (section 292).
- Failure to comply with water-use licence conditions (section 64AF).
- Failure to comply with notice of contravention (section 151).
Annual water compliance reports
The following state-wide statistics have been compiled for the past 4 years.
Page last updated: 07/03/25