What is the Rainwater and Septic Tank Replacement Program?
The program will support households impacted by the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian Fires to have:
- safe access to usable water,
- safe disposal of wastewater, and
- reduce the financial burden of rebuilding.
Support will be provided to eligible households who:
Are unable to connect to reticulated water systems and:
- whose primary use rainwater tanks and septic systems were damaged or destroyed in the bushfires and require repair, replacement, or installation of a new system
- whose primary use rainwater tanks and septic systems require reconnections or minor work to become operational again
OR are able to connect to reticulated water (mains or sewerage) systems but need to cover:
- work to reconnect to the system, or
- reconnection fees charged by their local water corporations
Further support is available for households who:
- require a water tank for firefighting purposes, or
- need to install the appropriate outlets to an existing water tank as part of the requirement under the Bushfire Management Overlay
The intended program outcomes support:
- the repair, replacement or installation of primary use rainwater and septic tanks on impacted properties and
- to build longer term resilience and sustainability for households through the provision of rainwater tank and septic systems that meet current Australian standards.
The program does not intend to take the ongoing responsibility of domestic wastewater management from Local Government.
Who can apply?
To be eligible for the program, you must be the owner of a dwelling that:
- Was/is in the municipalities of either East Gippsland Shire or Towong Shire
- Was destroyed or severely damaged because of the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian Fires which commenced on 21 November 2019
- Is on a site that has been registered with the relevant Bushfire Rebuild Support Service (RSS) in your municipality.
You must also be:
- Rebuilding your dwelling either on the same property or on another site within the same municipality
- Have sought funds through any available insurance arrangement prior to seeking assistance from the Program.
- Are either not on a reticulated (water mains or sewerage) system and:
- Require a rainwater tank and/or septic system for primary use; and/or
- Require a water tank for firefighting purposes or need to install the appropriate outlets to your current water tank to conform with a Bushfire Management Planning Overlay; and/or
- Require minor reconnections or repairs to your current tank system
- OR are on a reticulated (water mains or sewerage) system and:
- Require a water tank for firefighting purposes or need to install the appropriate outlets to your current water tank to conform with a Bushfire Management Planning Overlay; and/or
- Are required to cover the costs of works or fees to reconnect to your local water corporation’s reticulated (water mains or sewerage) system.
- Able to provide the relevant mandatory supporting documentation as outlined in What supporting documents do I need to provide?
In addition, to be eligible for support you must:
- Ensure all rainwater and/or septic tanks are designed, manufactured, and certified to the relevant Australian Standards and installation complies with current building standards as outlined in Compliance requirements for rainwater tanks and septic systems section
- Seek and comply with relevant approvals including: a permit to install/alter a septic tank; Land Capability Assessment; and Planning Permit from their local council.
- Ensure you use an appropriately licensed and accredited plumber when required as outlined in Compliance requirements for rainwater tanks and septic system s section
Who cannot apply?
You are not eligible to apply for the program if:
- The damage to your home was not caused directly by the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian Fires.
- Your home was not located in the municipalities of either East Gippsland or Towong Shires.
- The cost and installation of the rainwater and/or septic tanks were fully covered through available insurance arrangements.
- You have already received support through other Commonwealth, State, other government programs, or philanthropic source (i.e., Red Cross) that has been used towards replacement of destroyed or significantly damaged rainwater and/or septic tanks for the same dwelling.
- You have already received a rebate for the same component of the Program.
- For homes that are on a reticulated (water mains or sewerage) system, only applications for water tanks for firefighting purposes and reconnection costs will be accepted.
- Similarly, applications for septic tank funding will not be accepted for homes that can connect to a reticulated sewerage system, as agreed with your water corporation.
What will be funded?
The program will provide up to $25,500 of support for the following:
Up to half the cost of the purchase and installation of a:
- New primary use rainwater tank system for homes that have had their source of non-reticulated (water mains) primary use water supply impacted by the bushfires, up to a maximum of $3,000
- New water tank for firefighting purposes, or the installations of appropriate outlets to your current water tank, for homes impacted by the bushfires, up to a maximum of $3,000
- New primary use septic tank system for homes impacted by the bushfires, up to a maximum of $15,000
The full cost of:
- The initial refill of the rainwater tank specifically installed as part of this program, up to a maximum cap of $500
- Any combination of assessments required to get council approval to install or alter a septic system including condition reports undertaken by a qualified plumber and Land Capability Assessments, up to a maximum of $1,500
- Any minor repairs or reconnections required, up to a maximum of $2,500: if the tank systems are undamaged and comply with current standards; or any work or reconnection fees required to reconnect to a reticulated (water mains or sewerage) system.
The program will also cover relevant associated costs including: the purchase of rainwater or septic tank system, associated plumbing and materials connected to system, installation costs and delivery changes – up to the maximum outlined above.
Applicants will only be eligible for one rebate for each of the components listed above. For example, you cannot apply twice for the rainwater tank rebate. However, if you have already received support for a rainwater tank, you will still be eligible to apply for a rebate for a septic tank system.
If your total costs are greater than the maximum support outlined above, you will need to meet the additional costs.
Support will be provided in a rebate payment.
What will not be funded?
The program will not fund the following activities:
- Routine or ongoing maintenance activities
- Reoccurring operating costs, for example electricity costs to pump the septic tank systems, permit fees for use of septic systems etc.
- Any additional materials connected to the systems (e.g., toilets, bathroom fittings etc.)
- Upgrades or improvements to septic systems that have not been damaged or are on properties that have not been impacted by the bushfires.
What supporting documents do I need to provide?
Please submit the following documents with your application:
- Evidence that you own the property (e.g., council rates notices)
- Clean up completion from Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV) or evidence that demonstrates your property has been through a bushfire damage clean-up process. If this is not available, verification that your property or property’s primary water sources has been directly impacted by the bushfires will be required to be supplied from a recovery support worker or case worker via letter or email.
- When required, a copy of compliance certificated from your licensed plumber on completion of relevant work (i.e., installation or connection works)
- Details of the account that the funding support will be deposited into – this will be requested once an application has been assessed as successful.
- A declaration that the replacement of the rainwater and/or septic tank has not been covered by available insurance arrangements prior to seeking assistance.
Itemised receipts and tax invoice/s (copies are acceptable) for:
- The purchase and installation of the rainwater and/or septic tank, or
- The purchase and installation of a water tank for firefighting purposes, or
- The initial refill of the water tank
- Minor repairs or reconnections of your existing system, or
- Reconnection costs to reticulated (water mains or sewerage) systems.
For rainwater tanks:
- Details of the model and size of the tank where available
- Acknowledgement that you have considered the property’s water requirements (further information is in System requirements for rainwater tanks and septic systems section)
For septic systems:
- Details of the model and size of the system where available
- If required, a condition report on your existing septic system as completed by a qualified plumber
- A copy of the Land Capability Assessment undertaken as part of the permit process and a copy of the invoice for work undertaken during the LCA process.
- A copy of the Septic Tank Certificate of Use on completion of work (further information is in System requirements for rainwater tanks and septic systems section)
How do I apply?
Applications are submitted either by you or by the Bushfire Rebuild Support Service (RSS) in your municipality on your behalf via DEECA’s online portal. Options to apply via email or post are also available if required, see below for details.
Once you have checked that you meet the criteria and have gathered all the supporting documentation, you are ready to submit your application.