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Integrated Water Management (IWM) Forums identify, prioritise and oversee the implementation of collaborative water opportunities across Victoria.
The Forums bring together organisations with an interest in all aspects of the water cycle, recognising that each has an important role to play in the management of our most vital resource. This includes local government, water corporations, Traditional Owners, and state government agencies. DEECA has a role in facilitating IWM Forums.
The IWM Forums have produced Strategic Directions Statements. These capture the regional context, shared vision and water-related outcomes for each of the Forum areas across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Collaboratively developed by the IWM Forums, each Strategic Directions Statement includes integrated water management opportunities.
Supporting IWM in Victoria
The Victorian Government has provided $71 million in funding for 178 priority IWM projects across the state since 2017.
These projects are improving regional water security and water efficiency, enhancing the environmental health of catchments and waterways and building greater community and cultural connections to the environment.
IWM Program Funded Project Maps 2017-2022
Metropolitan Melbourne
The Metropolitan Melbourne IWM Forum boundaries align with the 5 major waterway catchment boundaries within the Port Phillip and Western Port region.
Following the release of their Strategic Directions Statements in 2018, the 5 Metropolitan Melbourne IWM Forums worked together to develop Integrated Water Management Plans for the Dandenong, Maribyrnong, Werribee, Western Port and Yarra catchments.
These plans provide a consistent framework for coordinating action by the various organisations involved in water cycle management. Each Forum continues to identify on-ground projects and initiatives progressing their catchment's vision and strategic outcomes.
On Friday 19 April 2024, The Hon Harriet Shing MP officially launched the Metropolitan Melbourne Catchment Scale IWM Action Plans in front of the five Metropolitan Melbourne Forums at the State Library of Victoria.
The Forum area spans a diverse range of landscapes, including catchments flowing into Port Phillip Bay from Port Melbourne to Point Nepean.
The Dandenong Forum covers the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri and Bunurong peoples.
Dandenong Catchment IWM plan summary
The Forum area encompasses some of Victoria’s most significant urban renewal precincts and suburban growth areas.
The Maribyrnong Forum covers the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri and Bunurong peoples.
Maribyrnong Catchment IWM plan summary
The Forum area includes a major Australian food bowl and several of Victoria’s fastest urbanising greenfield areas.
The Werribee Forum covers the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri, Wadawurrung and Bunurong peoples.
Werribee Catchment IWM plan summary
Western Port
The Forum area includes richly diverse, protected and internationally recognised marine and coastal environments, fertile agricultural lands, and natural woodlands. Leading the way towards embedding IWM across the region.
The Western Port Forum covers the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri and Bunurong peoples.
Western Port Catchment IWM plan summary
The Forum area includes Victoria’s capital, Melbourne, and the Yarra River / Birrarung, one of Australia’s most iconic and culturally significant waterways.
The Yarra Forum covers the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri and Bunurong peoples.
Yarra Catchment IWM plan summary
Regional Victoria
Regional IWM Forums are generally defined by regional urban water corporation boundaries. Whenever possibl, they acknowledge and build upon existing networks and forums.
There are 10 regional IWM Forums in Victoria. These are:
- Barwon
- Central Highlands
- Coliban
- East Gippsland
- Gippsland
- Goulburn Broken
- Great South Coast
- North East
- Northern Mallee
- Wimmera.
The Barwon IWM Forum drives a collaborative and integrated approach to water management. This enables sustainable environmental, social, cultural and community prosperity in the fastest growing regional Victorian area.
Barwon IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
Central Highlands
The Central Highlands region prides itself as a leader in integrated water management. It's stakeholders understand the collective benefits of integrated water management of economic prosperity, environmental improvements and enhanced liveability through collaboration.
Central Highlands IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
Ensuring that our large cities and small regional towns have the resilience needed to be healthy, active and engaged communities is a long term goal of the Coliban IWM Forum.
Coliban IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
East Gippsland
The East Gippsland IWM Forum guides the identification and implementation of IWM projects in the region. The Forum shares and incubates ideas on environmental, water and traditional owner issues.
East Gippsland IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
The Gippsland forum region incorporates the services areas of Gippsland Water and South Gippsland Water. The goal is to support growth and resilience while conserving the unique natural landscapes of Gippsland.
Gippsland IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
Goulburn Broken
Working together through sustainable water management to enhance the urban landscapes for our communities.
Goulburn Broken IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
Great South Coast
The Great South Coast IWM Forum was formed in June 2018. It gained momentum. Expanding on established relationships to set priorities and deliver IWM in the region. Contributing to the resilience of the region’s environment, culture and economy.
Great South Coast IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
North East
The North East IWM Forum is a collaboration to work creatively in partnership across the water cycle to plan and deliver sustainable and holistic outcomes.
North East IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
Northern Mallee
The Northern Mallee IWM Forum, established in July 2024, is currently developing its first Strategic Directions Statement. It will outline each forum partner's commitments to sustainable water management under a drying climate, community resilience, and Traditional Owner cultural values and priorities.
The Wimmera IWM Forum is aligned with the Wimmera Regional Partnership. This alignment sends a clear message about the regional importance of all aspects of the water cycle and our commitment to collaboration and integration across all aspects of planning in the Wimmera.
Wimmera IWM Forum Strategic Directions Statement summary
More information
IWM Framework for Victoria
We’ve produced the Integrated Water Management Framework for Victoria to help us all – government, the community and the water sector. All working together to plan, manage and deliver water in Victoria’s towns and cities.
Integrated Water Management Framework for Victoria
Page last updated: 23/12/24