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The Western region covers around one-third of Victoria from Colac and Lorne in the south-east to Ouyen in the north-west. Its agricultural and urban centres include:

  • Colac
  • Port Campbell
  • Horsham
  • Stawell
  • Ararat
  • Hamilton
  • Warrnambool
  • Portland.

The Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy includes policy statements and 69 actions for implementation at a regional and local scale.

Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy

Actions status

The actions status in the Western Region was updated as part of the development of the Progress Report for the implementation of actions.

The report identifies that of the 69 actions in the Strategy:

  • 20 are achieved and completed
  • 29 are achieved and ongoing
  • 3 are progressing through another plan
  • 17 are partly achieved or not yet achieved.

Progress report on the implementation of actions

The Progress report on the implementation of actions follows Recommendation 2 of the WRSWS 5-yearly assessment report for DEECA (formerly the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning) in partnership with organisations responsible for implementing WRSWS actions, to develop an implementation plan for WRSWS actions.

The report updates the actions status since the last report (2018).

Five-yearly assessment

The 5-yearly assessment of the Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy (2011) was conducted in collaboration with key stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of the Strategy.

The assessment updates catchment inflow data, determines the status of each action, consolidates feedback about the process for development and implementation of the strategy and makes recommendations to support the review of the SWS.

Page last updated: 08/09/23