Review internal governance arrangements for non-urban water management.
Status: completed
Water Corporations in Victoria are responsible for administering water entitlements, including metering water use and managing compliance and enforcement.
There are several instruments and arrangements in place that already promote and support good compliance and enforcement practices. These include:
- Statements of Obligations
- Corporate plan guidelines and Letters of Expectations
- Water Corporations compliance and enforcement strategies
- guidelines and protocols
- comprehensive board induction materials for incoming board directors.
Victoria has reviewed these governance instruments and arrangements to ensure that Victoria’s strong compliance culture is maintained. The review commenced in August 2018 and was completed in December 2018.
The review confirmed that Victoria has good governance arrangements in place, and a high level of expertise and capacity in Water Corporations to support a strong culture of compliance and enforcement.
While there are instruments and arrangements in place that support good compliance and enforcement practices, there are opportunities to strengthen these instruments and arrangements to ensure their optimum application.
The review highlighted 9 recommendations that focus on:
- strengthening governance instruments
- increase transparency of Victoria’s compliance and enforcement obligations.
The Water Corporations were consulted throughout the process and are generally supportive of the review’s findings and recommendations.