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There are 4 types of water corporations in Victoria. They are:

  • Metropolitan water corporations.
  • Regional urban water corporations.
  • Hybrid regional/urban and rural water corporations.
  • Rural water corporations.

There is also a metropolitan water wholesaler.

Which water corporations serve my address?

Check the water corporations for any address in Victoria using our find your water corporation interactive map.

Urban (metropolitan) water corporations

There are 3 of these corporations which provide service to Metropolitan Melbourne. These corporations purchase their water from Melbourne Water (the wholesaler). They provide water and sewer services to homes and businesses throughout Melbourne.

The 3 are: Greater Western Water, South East Water and Yarra Valley Water.

Melbourne Water

Melbourne Water has a unique position among water corporations. They act as the wholesaler, managing the supply and distribution across the Melbourne metropolitan area.

They also act as the Catchment Management Authority for the Port Phillip and Westernport region.

Urban (regional) water corporations

Twelve water corporations provide water and sewerage services in regional cities and towns across the state.

Rural water corporations

These water corporations provide rural water services, including water supply, drainage, and salinity mitigation services for irrigation and domestic and stock purposes.

Page last updated: 15/09/23