- Department of Sustainability and Environment (2008) Community Consultation Plan, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne, Victoria
- (2008) Legislation, Policy and Key Guidelines, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Map Books –Transfer Pipeline, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Map Books –Northerly Grid Connection, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) High Sensitivity Map Books – Whole of Project, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Risk Assessment Report, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Greenhouse Gas Assessment, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Waste Management Assessment Report, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Proposed Gas Fired Powered Station Option Waste Management, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Essential Economics (2008) Existing Conditions Report (Economic), Essential Economics, Carlton, Victoria
- Essential Economics (2008) Impact Assessment (Economic), Essential Economics, Carlton, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Addendum to Flora and Fauna Assessment: Desalination Plant, Wonthaggi, Victoria Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Flora and Fauna Assessment: Gas Fired Power Station for Desalination Plant, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Assessment of marine mammals, birds and reptiles for the Desalination Project, Bass Coast, Victoria Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Flora and Fauna Assessment: Desalination Plant, Wonthaggi, Victoria Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Flora and Fauna Assessment: Desalination Project Transfer Pipeline corridor, Wonthaggi to Cranbourne, Victoria, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Flora and Fauna Assessment: Desalination Project Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Phillips Agribusiness (2008) Victorian Desalination Plant Agricultural Impact Assessment, Phillips Agribusiness, Geelong, Victoria
- ASR (2008) Bass & Bays Hydrodynamic Model: Calibration and Validation, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- ASR (2008) Description of the Bass Straight Physical and Geological Marine Environment, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- ASR (2008) Local Fine-Resolution Model: Calibration and Validation, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
On this page:
The following reports and documents have been prepared in relation to the Victorian Desalination Project.
Reports and documents
- Victorian Desalination Project Summary
- Contract Documents (309309)
- DTPLI Environmental Assessment documents
- Environment Effects Statement
- AquaSure Environmental Management System
- AquaSure Environmental Management Plan
- Federal Notices
- Auditor-General's Report on Planning for Water Infrastructure in Victoria (April 2008)
- Auditor-General's Report on the Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria (2009-2010)
- Melbourne Water
- Melbourne Water Annual Reports
The project achieved the following approvals:
- Victorian Minister for Planning's Assessment under the Environment Effects Act 1978 granted permission to proceed.
- EPA Victoria issued a Works Approval for plant construction, finding it met the requirements of the Environment Protection Act 1970.
- Federal Minister for Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts approved the project with conditions under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
- A Cultural Heritage Management Plan under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.
- Consent under the Coastal Management Act 1995 for use and development of coastal Crown land.
- Permits for taking samples of native flora and fauna for study under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.
- Permits for waterway crossings under the Water Act 1989.
- EPA has issued a licence for the operation of the plant following its commissioning under the Environment Protection Act 1970.
Technical appendices
For the Environmental Effects Statement on the Victorian Desalination Project. Electronic and hard copies of the EES, including technical appendices, can be found at the State Library of Victoria.
- ASR (2008) South-East Australian (SEA) Hydrodynamic Model: Calibration and Validation, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- Bassett (2008) Environmental Effects Statement Underwater Noise, Bassett, Melbourne Victoria
- GHD (2008) Water & Sediment Quality Assessment, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Hydrobiology & CSIRO (2008) Toxicity Assessment for the Victorian Desalination Plant, Hydrobiology & CSIRO, Australia
- ASR (2008) Extreme Water Levels at the Powlett River Mouth, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- ASR (2008) Numerical Modelling of the Powlett River Freshwater Plume, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- GHD (2008) Invasive Marine Species Specialist Report, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- MAFFRI (2008) The horizontal and vertical distribution of fish eggs and larvae in relation to the proposed desalination plant for Victoria, September to December 2007, MAFFRI, Queenscliff, Victoria
- ASR (2008) Mid-Field Numerical Modelling of the Desalination Plant Outlet Plume, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- ASR (2008) Near-Field Numerical Modelling of the Desalination Plant Outlet Plume, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- CEE (2008) Marine Biology Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment, CEE, Richmond, Victoria
- ASR (2008) Sediment concentrations in the water column near the intake – outlet, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- ASR (2008) Particle Dispersal Modelling: Seasonal and Spatial Variations, ASR, Raglan, New Zealand
- ERM (2008) The Desalination Plant Component Landscape & Visual Assessment, ERM, Richmond, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Addendum to the Land Contamination Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Plant Site, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Land Contamination Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Plant Site, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C(2008) Existing site conditions, Impacts and Risk Assessment GEOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY and ACID SULPHATE SOILS, Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C, Bendigo, Victoria
- Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C (2008) Gasfired Power Station Addendum, Specialist Study, Existing Conditions Report Geology and Geomorphology, Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C, Bendigo, Victoria
- Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C(2008) Gas Fired Power Station IMPACT and RISK ASSESSMENT Geology, Geomorphology and Acid Sulphate soils, Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C, Bendigo, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Existing Conditions Report and Impact Assessment Groundwater, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Gas Fired Power Station Option - Surface Water EES – Addendum to Plant Report, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Addendum to Report for Melbourne Desalination Project, Surface Water EES – Plant, Waterways Assessment of Gas Supply Options, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Surface Water EES - Plant, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Addendum Report Gas-Fired Power Station – Cultural Heritage, Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Desalination Plant Component Cultural Heritage Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Addendum Report for Assessment of Impacts on Air Quality, Desalination Plant, Gas Fired Power Generation Options, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Existing Conditions Report Air Quality Desalination Plant, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Report for Assessment of Impacts on Air Quality, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Impact Assessment Report - Noise and Vibration (Gas-Fired Power Station), GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Report for Desalination Project Impact Assessment Report Noise and Vibration (Plant), GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Existing Traffic Conditions – Plant, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Traffic Impact Assessment Addendum Report – Gas Fired Power Station, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Victorian Desalination Project Traffic Impact Assessment, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Report for Victorian Desalination Plant Preliminary Hazard Analysis, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Victorian Desalination Plant Environment Effects Statement, Social Impact Assessment Existing Conditions Report, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Victorian Desalination Plant Environmental Effects Statement, Social Impact Assessment Report, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Services Impact Assessment Plant and Transfer Pipeline, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- ERM (2008) The Desalination Project Water Transfer Pipeline Component Landscape & Visual Assessment For Department of Sustainability and Environment, ERM, Richmond, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Land Contamination Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Transfer Pipeline, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C (2008) TRANSFER PIPELINE Existing Conditions GEOLOGY GEOMORPHOLOGY ACID SULFATE SOILS, Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C, Bendigo, Victoria
- Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C (2008) Transfer Pipeline IMPACT and RISK ASSESSMENT Geology, Geomorphology and Acid Sulfate Soils, Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C, Bendigo, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Desalination Pipeline Corridor Final Impact Assessment Report - Groundwater, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Final Impact Assessment for Surface Water, Hydrology and Waterway Crossings Assessment for the Transfer Pipeline, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Water Transfer Pipeline Component, Cultural Heritage Existing Conditions Report and Impact Assessment, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Report for Desalination Project Construction Dust Assessment – Transfer Pipeline, HD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Impact Assessment Report – Noise and Vibration (Transfer Pipeline), GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Existing Traffic Conditions – Transfer Pipeline, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- ERM (2008) Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, ERM, Richmond, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Land Contamination Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C (2008) Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure, Impact and Risk Assessment, Geology, Geomorphology & Acid Sulfate Soils, Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C, Bendigo, Victoria
- Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C (2008) Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure Specialist Study, Existing Conditions Report, Geology and Geomorphology, Rosengren. N, and Boyd. C, Bendigo, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Gas Fired Power Plant Option Addendum to the Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report – Groundwater, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Impact Assessment for Surface Water, Hydrology and Waterway Crossings for the Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report – Groundwater, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure Component - Cultural Heritage Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Air Quality Impacts Assessment of the Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Impact Assessment Report – Noise and Vibration (Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure), GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Existing Traffic Conditions – Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- GHD (2008) Services Impact Assessment - Power Supply, GHD, Melbourne, Victoria
- Maunsell Australia (2008) Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure Electric and Magnetic Field Impact Assessment, Maunsell Australia, Melbourne, Victoria
- Hydro Tasmania (2008) Electrical Network Connection Options, Hydro Tasmania Consulting, Melbourne Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Desalination Plant Component Cultural Heritage Management Plan, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Transfer Pipeline Component: Cultural Heritage Management Plan, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
- Biosis Research Pty Ltd (2008) Northerly Grid Connection and Ancillary Power Infrastructure Component: Cultural Heritage Management Plan, Biosis Research Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria
Page last updated: 03/12/24