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Groundwater is a valuable natural resource that we must manage well now and into the future.
Groundwater supplies about 15% of Victoria’s water needs including 70 towns. Groundwater is vital for a healthy environment and healthy Country for Traditional Owners.
We need to have a groundwater licensing and management framework that will serve us well into the future, and make the best use of available water in a drying climate, including through groundwater trade.
Statement of priorities
Groundwater Management 2030 (GM2030) is a statement of priorities for the next 6 years for DEECA and the rural water corporations (Lower Murray Water, Goulburn-Murray Water, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water and Southern Rural Water).
It is the Victorian water sector’s commitment to strong groundwater management that can adjust to meet opportunities and challenges as water use and industry transform in the future.
GM2030 embeds opportunities to partner with Traditional Owners during the implementation of priority actions.
DEECA and rural water corporations recognise that realising the success of GM2030 is by working together with Traditional Owners, water users, key stakeholders and the community to deliver the priority actions.
The long-term delivery of GM2030 involves 3 outcomes and the supporting priority areas to progress priorities by 2030.
The visions and 3 outcomes of GM2030

Implementation and engagement
- We will report annually on implementation progress.
- We will have discussions with Traditional Owners, assisting in incorporating cultural knowledge into the work program.
- Should engagement with Traditional Owners and key stakeholders identify a need to adjust priorities or timelines for delivery, GM2030 will be updated to reflect this.
Upon release of GM2030, the key steps included:
- Commencing technical and foundational investigations, studies and research.
- Informing key stakeholders of the proposed work program and seeking feedback on proposed implementation strategies for priority areas.
- Adjusting and resetting GM2030 Priority Areas around timing or scope to reflect community feedback, if necessary.
Checking progress
We commit to annually checking on progress of GM2030 priorities.
In 2026, a full review will happen, ensuring we remain focused on the key opportunities and risks for all users and are meeting stakeholder expectations.
Groundwater Management 2030
Register for GM2030 communication
To provide feedback on GM2030 and/or to register for future communications on GM2030, email GM.2030@deeca.vic.gov.au
Annual status update 2024
Since the release of GM2030 in 2022, we have had an important 18 months undertaking foundational technical work and establishing robust project planning and management arrangements. This has included building an understanding of the interdependencies between different priority areas and understanding issues of most concern to our stakeholders.
You can read more about our progress below:
Page last updated: 09/10/24