Authorisation will generally be required for all works and activities within the bed and banks of waterways.

These authorisations are issued by waterway managers - catchment management authorities (CMAs) and Melbourne Water. They do so to manage environmental risks and adverse impacts on waterways.

Authorisations by CMAs are usually issued as permits under regional waterways protection by-laws (or in some cases as licences issued under the Water Act 1989). These by-laws sunset every 10 years.

Therefore, in 2024, CMAs made new regional waterways protection by-laws using a Waterways Protection Model By-Law that was developed by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and approved by the Minister for Water.

Works and activities generally include:

  • building or substantially repairing structures such as culverts, bridges, fords, service/utility crossings, stormwater outlets, jetties, boat ramps and boardwalks
  • extracting sand or gravel from a waterway
  • clearing vegetation
  • river mouth openings
  • deviation of a waterway
  • stabilisation works, and
  • repairing damage to the bed and banks of a waterway.

If you undertake works and activities on a waterway that have not been authorised by a CMA you may be guilty of an offence.

Further information on applying for authorisation can also be found in the fact sheet below.

Your local CMA can advise on its requirements for authorisation. Find your local CMA and its contact details on the Vic Catchments website.

The Waterways Protection Model By-Law

For information, download the following document.

Page last updated: 11/12/24