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The Regional Riparian Action Plan outlined priority outcomes across regional Victoria from 2015-16 to 2019-20 to improve the health of riparian land. Healthy riparian land is critical for healthy waterways.
The riparian works included:
- fencing to manage stock
- revegetation programs
- weed management
- construction of off-stream stock watering systems.
The action plan also identified state-wide initiatives required to accelerate the delivery of on-ground riparian management works.
Implementing the Regional Riparian Action Plan was also a key commitment in Victoria’s Water Plan, Water for Victoria.
Regional riparian action plan
The action plan was delivered by a range of stakeholders including the 9 regional Victorian catchment management authorities (CMAs), farmers, Traditional Owners, Landcare, angling and other community groups.
After 5 years of the action plan’s implementation, the key outcomes achieved include the protection and improvement of:
- Nearly 3,500 km of riparian land (140% of the 5-year action plan target) – that’s more than the distance from Melbourne to Perth by road.
- Over 53,000 hectares of riparian land (190% of the 5-year target) – that’s more than 5 times the size of Phillip Island.
- CMAs worked with over 1,500 landholders and about 600 Traditional Owners, Landcare, angling, school and other community groups over the 5 years to achieve these outcomes.

Final achievements report 2015 to 2020
A report highlighting achievements over the 5 years of implementation of the Regional Riparian Action Plan, including highlights from on-ground regional delivery and actions aimed at improving riparian management across the whole of Victoria.
The next phase of river and riparian land management
The Victorian government continues to invest in rivers and riparian land management. While the targets in the Regional Riparian Action Plan for area and length of improved riparian land have been achieved, the next phase of riparian work is underway as part of the Rivers and Riparian Action Plan which will run until 2024.
It follows on from the Regional Riparian Action Plan but is broader and includes a range of waterway programs to improve the health of waterways in Victoria.
Regional Riparian Action Plan stories
You can see and hear stories about how the Plan has supported the community across Victoria.
Traditional Owners looking after waterways at Tyrendarra
See how the Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation and the Glenelg Hopkins CMA are incorporating 7,000 years of Aboriginal land and waterway management into current management to improve and protect the Fitzroy River and Darlot Creek.
Local landholders looking after the Agnes River, Toora North
Listen to Katie James, a landholder from Toora North, explain the willow removal and revegetation efforts that have taken place on her family’s property on the Agnes River working with the West Gippsland CMA.
Anglers supporting the Steavenson River, Marysville
Have a look at how local angling groups have pitched in to work with the Goulburn Broken CMA and a local landholder to support the Steavenson River. They have planted trees to protect the river from changes in climate and generally provide a healthy habitat for fish.
Page last updated: 05/09/24